Thursday 18 February 2016

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief - Natural Remedies for Inflamed Joints

Medication is generally the first pain relief option doctors recommend for arthritis sufferers. However, most doctors are completely unaware of the various natural remedies available for natural arthritis pain relief. The truth is that natural arthritis pain relief does not have to involve medication or surgery. There are many natural arthritis pain relief methods available, from hot or cold-water therapy, to biofeedback, to acupuncture. Although researchers and doctors around the world hotly contest the effectiveness of these methods in providing natural arthritis pain relief, there are many people who swear by these natural remedies.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Warm water therapy, or hydrotherapy, can be an effective natural arthritis pain joint relief method. Many people find that exercising in water is preferable because it reduces the impact on inflamed joints. Exercise combined with the warmth of the water often soothes stiff muscles and joints. This may not work for everyone, but can be a great way to find natural arthritis pain relief. If you do not find relief from heat, you might consider trying cryotherapy (cold) therapy instead. This involves using cold compresses or ice packs to provide natural arthritis pain relief to a specific area. Cold numbs nerve endings and slows blood flow, thereby reducing inflammation in the joints.

Biofeedback is another natural arthritis pain relief treatment to consider. This option does not reduce pain in and of itself, but instead teaches patients to control their pain responses. A person who wishes to undergo biofeedback treatment is hooked up to equipment that monitors skin temperature, blood pressure, muscle tension, and breathing. Responses are then monitored so that you will know what happens when you experience pain. The idea is to gain control over these functions so that you can find natural arthritis pain relief.

Finally, acupuncture is gaining popularity as a natural joint pain supplements. Acupuncture involves using needles to block the release of endorphins that cause pain. Many doctors endorse the use of acupuncture for chronic pain such as that caused by arthritis; acupuncture needles are even recognized and regulated as medical devices by the FDA. Although some people may find natural arthritis pain relief after just one session, most need 5 to 10 sessions for maximum benefit. Many insurance companies provide coverage for acupuncture treatments, so be sure to check with your health insurance provider. Any of these treatments can be wonderful natural arthritis pain relief remedies, but remember to contact your doctor before trying any new treatment.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Best Ways to Get Relief from Arthritis Pain Medication

Arthritis Pain Medication

Arthritis is a disease which comes in over 100 different forms, but joint pain is a symptom associated with all of them. While there are more treatment methods available than ever before, most of these methods target the root cause of the disease rather than using arthritis pain medication to treat symptoms. Arthritis sufferers often suffer from debilitating and crippling pain even while on a regimen of anti-inflammatories and turn to their doctors for Arthritis Pain Medication. Just as with methods to treat the causes of arthritis symptoms, there is a wide variety of arthritis pain medication available to treat the joint pain which usually accompanies arthritis.

If your arthritis is mild and the pain is more inconvenient than crippling, your doctor may suggest an over the counter arthritis pain medication. A few of the advantages of using over the counter drugs as arthritis pain medication are that they are usually cheaper and have less harmful side effects. Many prescription pain medications are habit-forming, which is not a concern when taking over the counter medications as a part of your overall arthritis management plan. Even though the risk with this class of Arthritis Pain Medication is low, you should still check with your physician before taking any new medications.

If your arthritis is more than moderate or joint degradation is advanced, your doctor may prescribe an arthritis pain medication. An arthritis pain medication such as an Arthri-D works to reduce swelling and degradation of joints but can often take several months to reach its full effectiveness. For this reason prescription Arthritis Pain Medication is frequently a part of an overall arthritis treatment plan. Some of the medications your doctor may prescribe include Ultram (or Tramadol), Soma, Darvocet, or Vicodin. Extreme care should be taken with these types of pain medications to avoid the possibility of dependence or addiction.

Though relieving pain is a high priority for the majority of arthritis sufferers, caution should be exercised when taking an Arthritis Pain Medication. The pain you feel in joints that are affected by arthritis is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Often an arthritis pain medication can mask or lessen these symptoms and allow the disease to progress more rapidly. Pain medications should only be used to supplement your overall arthritis management strategy, not as a treatment plan in and of itself. Always work closely with your doctor, as he/she is your best resource for selecting the right pain Arthritis Pain Medication for you.

Friday 22 January 2016

Preventing Mental Decline with Provasil

If you want to give your brain a boost, reach for Provasil, a powerful brain support supplement that helps you retain your mental edge, especially if you are starting to feel the effects of old age creeping up. This supplement is a potent blend of 15 natural ingredients that help perk up the brain, improving concentration and focus while improving the memory and other cognitive functions.

Why boost your Brain?

Why not? The brain is a very important part of the body. It directs everything in your life - your decisions, your relationships and your coping mechanisms. The brain also takes care of your body processes - breathing, digestion and even the tiniest cell repair and regeneration.

ProvasilNowadays, a lot of attention is being directed to physical fitness - which is great, because physical health is important. However, people should also pay attention to mental health, especially as they age.

Avoiding the Dreaded Mental Decline

Memory loss and lack of focus are only some of the things you can experience as your cognitive functions decline. If you have older friends and relatives suffering from dementia, you would know how terrible it is to live with diminished brain functions. Even simple "senior moments"- misplaced house keys, missed appointments, forgotten names and dates - can be annoying. The good news? You can take steps to counter this decline and keep your mind sharp even as the years advance by applying the following techniques:

1. Listening to music. Music engages different areas of the brain. Listening to music, singing and playing instruments can improve motor and reasoning skills. Plus, everything seems better when set to music, right?

2. Exercising. Moderate exercise does not just help keep diseases at bay; it also helps circulation, which in turn allows the passage of more oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to the brain.

3. Avoiding abusive substances. Smoking hardens and constricts the arteries, which can lead to decreased oxygen supply in the body and brain. Similarly, over consumption of alcohol can damage the brain.

4. Eating and sleeping right. The brain works nonstop, so it needs proper nutrition that you can get from a balanced diet. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can cause brain fog and impaired thinking.

5. Stimulating the brain. Keep your brain functioning properly through consistent stimulation. Solve puzzles, read books or find a hobby that will keep you interested and your mind engaged.

6. Keeping your cool. As much as you can, do not stress yourself. High level of stress impairs attention and mental flexibility and causes memory loss. Prevent repeated stress to the brain by calming own and channeling your energies to more productive tasks.

Provasil: Best Brain Supplement

Aside from following the above-mentioned tips, you could also take Provasil, a tried and tested supplement that helps improve cognitive functions. This supplement contains ginkgo biloba - an herb that heighten mental performance by boosting blood circulation in the brain - and bacopa monnieri, a traditional Hindu medicine that improves the memory and focus, among other brain-boosting nutrients.

Combat brain fog, memory loss and mental decline with Provasil and never have to endure another senior moment in your life.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Avoid These Options for Treatment for Arthritis Pain

When looking for an effective treatment for arthritis pain, there are some things to avoid. High-impact exercise is not a good thing. The last thing you want to do to joints already swollen and painful is put excess pressure on them. This is especially true for those with arthritis in the knees, feet, and hips. Instead of choosing a high-impact exercise option for treatment for arthritis pain, you need low impact. Walking and swimming are both great ways to deal with the condition without creating more problems. Using your head first will make treatment for arthritis pain much easier.

Repetitive motions in exercise are not an effective treatment for arthritis pain. You may love playing tennis. However, swinging the racket and hitting the ball repeatedly without break can create problems. It does not allow the body to recover from an action. That only leads to more swelling. When you are having a flare-up, you need to seek less repetitive exercise options for treatment for arthritis pain. Many experts suggest stretching exercises like yoga or Tai Chi. Cycling and swimming are also great alternatives. Light strength training is another component to consider adding to your exercise routine. Non-repetitive exercise is a great treatment for arthritis pain.

Too much or too little medication is not a good treatment for arthritis pain. Some people think as soon as they feel a bit of pain, they need to take medication. However, many medications can lose their effectiveness if you use them too much. That means you will not get the relief you need without taking more. That is not a smart treatment for arthritis pain. On the other end of the spectrum, using too little medication can cause trouble also. Suffering with pain is not smart. It will make your mood go down. It can lead to depression and anger. The best treatment for arthritis pain is to use joint pain supplements as needed, not too much or too little.

Smoking is another thing to avoid when seeking a good treatment for arthritis pain. Many people smoke to handle stress. Moreover, dealing with arthritis can be very stressful. However, when you are seeking treatment for arthritis pain, it is a very bad thing to do. Scientific studies show that people who smoke have double the chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Continuing to smoke after getting a diagnosis can lead to more severe bouts of arthritic pain. If you want an effective treatment for arthritis pain, stop smoking first.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Arthritis Foot – Keep Your Feet Healthy!

Arthritis foot disease is a degenerative condition that often results in major damage to joints. This disease results in symptoms such as pain, inflammation, stiffness, and loss of range of motion. While most any joint and even the spine can be afflicted with arthritis, foot problems can be one of the more painful targets of the disease. Foot and ankle joints affected by arthritis can most definitely lead to debilitating pain and negatively impact your ability to lead an active lifestyle. For this reason, it is imperative that you visit your physician and begin treatment immediately after the onset of Arthritis Foot symptoms.

Since there are many different forms of arthritis, foot problems related to the disease can be attributable to one of several types of arthritis. The most common form is known as osteoarthritis, which is a gradual wearing away of the cartilage in the foot joints. In this disease, swelling and pain result in major difficulties standing or walking. Another common form of an Arthritis Foot disease that can affect the feet and ankles is rheumatoid arthritis. This is by far the most severe and crippling version of arthritis foot disease, and can often lead to such severe loss of cartilage that joints can no longer hold their shape and become deformed.

There is an arthritis foot condition that affects only the feet known as Gout. In this type of Arthritis Foot disease, foot problems are caused by a collection of excess uric acid crystals in the joints of the foot and ankles. Typically the big toe is the most severely painful, as it is the focal point of your body’s weight with each step. Gout can strike at any age and men are more likely to contract this form of arthritis foot disease than women. Gout can be caused by overindulgence in alcohol or a diet too high in red meats or internal organs.

The treatments for Arthritis Foot conditions involve standard care of the disease such as anti-inflammatories and pain medications, but there are also joint relief products to prevent and treat arthritis of the foot. One of the ways your doctor can help you treat your foot arthritis problems is with the use of orthotics. These are specially designed and custom fitted insoles which provide support and relief to achy and swollen feet. Your doctor may also recommend that you be fitted for custom shoes designed specifically for the needs of an Arthritis Foot condition. Whatever the form of arthritis, foot problems are manageable and should not be ignored.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Rheumatoid Arthritis: How does it affect Your Body?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), unlike other common types of arthritis, is an autoimmune disease wherein the cells in the body are attacked by its own immune system thereby resulting to inflammation which is mostly seen around the joints. Although it can also have a systemic approach and can affect any organ in the body including the heart and lungs. Since it’s the body is being attacked by its own immune system, the body process goes haywire and results to joint pain, muscle inflammation, heart problems, and other complications.

Here is a list of known complications and effects on the body associated with rheumatoid arthritis:
  • Skin Problems – Rheumatoid nodules area tissue lumps that are often seen in people suffering from RA. It develops under the skin and is mainly found on the fingers, elbows, and forearms but can also develop in vital organs like the heart and lungs. In severe cases of RA, these nodules appear suddenly indicating the active phase of inflammation. Ulcers may also appear on the skin when the inflammation occurs on the blood vessels.
  • Eye Problems – Since RA is an autoimmune disease, the antibodies may also affect the lacrimal glands in the eyes which are responsible for tear production. The eyes can become dry and irritated, which when left untreated can cause conjunctival scarring. Other complications include inflammation of the membrane lining the sclera (white of the eye). The sclera may also become inflamed and can result to loss of vision of not treated promptly.
  • Cardiovascular Problems – Pericarditis, the inflammation of the pericardium (the membrane the lines the heart) is a common cardiac complication in patients suffering from RA. Pericarditis usually develops during episodes of active inflammation or flare-ups. Since it often happens over a long period of time, the pericardium can become stiff and affect the contractility of the heart. This then results to decreased blood flow to other parts of the body. Another noted complication is called pericardial effusion, which is the collection of fluid in the space between the pericardium and the heart which can result to shortness of breath and palpitations. Inflammation of the heart itself can also happen. It is called myocarditis which can manifest as chest pain, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats.
    RA also increases a person’s risk for developing stroke due to the inflammation of the blood vessels. Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) commonly affects the small vessels in the skin. However, it can also affect the vessels in other vital organs like kidneys and lungs.
  • Hematologic Problems – RA also results to the decreased production of red blood cells which can significantly reduce of haemoglobin in the blood, thus causing Anemia. This condition can result to constant fatigue, tachycardia (increased heart rate), dizziness, pallor (pale color of the skin), and shortness of breath. Active disease activity can also increase blood platelet in the blood which increases the risk of emboli formation. On the other hand, immunosuppression therapy (treatment for RA) can cause reduced platelet count which can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Lung Problems – As mentioned earlier, rheumatoid nodules and vasculitis can also affect the lungs which can result to hinder proper functioning. Another complication on the lungs can be pleural effusion, which is the collection of fluid in the pleural membrane that surrounds the lungs. It can cause difficulty of breathing and can even lead to atelectasis (lung collapse) when not treated promptly. Pulmonary hypertension can also happen in patients with RA when the blood vessels that carries blood from the heart gets inflamed thereby narrowing the space of blood flow to the lungs.
  • Immune System Problems – Unlike common types of arthritis that only involves inflammation of the joints, RA affects the immune system of the body by stimulating and autoimmune response. This response activates the body’s immune system and attacks the body’s own cells and tissues. This then leads to inflammation, a common immune response of the body.
    Since the treatment for RA is immune suppression, which halts the immune response of the body, the body is can no longer fight off any infection that affects the body. This can result to serious complications when necessary prevention is not implemented.
  • Emotional Problems – Since RA is a chronic condition, patients often have limited activities; others cannot even participate in the sports that they like due to the severity of their condition. These limitations, together with inflammatory flare-ups, treatment, and constant pain, people often suffer from emotional problems like depression and anxiety. 
Rheumatoid arthritis can really be a frustrating disease especially when it results to serious complications like those involving the vital organs of the body. That is why regular check-up with the consulting health care provider is a must for patients suffering from RA. A simple dryness of the eye cannot go unnoticed because it can cause loss of vision. Likewise, palpitations should also be taken seriously because there might be a more serious cause of the problem. Unlike with common types of arthritis, patients with RA must be more vigilant in their health condition. A strong support system is also a necessity to be able to cope up with the stress brought by this disease process.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Undiagnosed Hypertension More Likely in Rheumatoid Arthritis

TUESDAY, Oct. 7, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Among patients meeting guideline-based criteria for hypertension, those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are less likely to receive a diagnosis of hypertension, according to a study published in the September issue of Arthritis Care & Research.

Christie M. Bartels, MD, from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, and colleagues conducted a cohort study to examine whether RA is a risk factor for not receiving a diagnosis of hypertension. Data were obtained from adult patients with and without RA/inflammatory arthritis from an academic multispecialty practice. All participants were seen regularly in primary care and met the clinical guideline criteria for hypertension, but had not been diagnosed with or received treatment for hypertension.

The researchers found that 201 patients of the 14,974 with undiagnosed hypertension had RA codes. Compared with patients without RA, those with RA had equivalent primary care visits and more total visits. The likelihood of hypertension diagnosis was 36% in RA patients and 51% in patients without RA. The risk of hypertension diagnosis was significantly lower for patients with RA in adjusted Cox models (hazard ratio, 0.71), with more undiagnosed hypertension seen than with other comorbidities.

"Given heightened cardiovascular risks in RA and the importance of hypertension diagnosis as a first step toward controlling risk, rheumatologists should collaborate to improve rates of diagnosis for this modifiable cardiovascular risk factor," the authors write.

- See more at:

Thursday 11 September 2014

Smokers Taking Excess of Sodium Are at Higher Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

A new study has shows that cigarette smokers, who consume excess of sodium, are at a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

On an average, an American's daily intake of sodium is about 3,400 mg. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day  or 1,500 mg for those aged 51 years or older, or if they are black, or if the person has high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. Some people's bodies are very sensitive to sodium. This was seen in the latest study by Umea University, Sweden, researchers.

According to the Swedish researchers, there exists a strong association between high sodium intake and rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the small joints in hands and feet. The risk doubles in case of current smokers.

The study led by Bjorn Sundstrom looked at whether the recent animal and human cell study revealed the association between a high sodium intake and RA would produce similar results in a case control study that worked on data retrieved from Vasterbotten Intervention Programme (VIP).

"These findings will provide new insights into the etiopathogenic process leading to the development of RA among smokers. The finding of sodium being a risk factor for the development of RA among smokers is intriguing, as it may explain discrepancies in previous studies of diet as a risk factor for RA. That consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of developing RA, while consumption of protein, red meat, and fish with a medium fat content is associated with a higher risk, could be explained by these dietary products being associated with a higher intake of sodium. These results could have implications for analyses of diet in other conditions in which inflammation is of importance," said Sundstrom.

The researchers looked at 386 individuals who reported their dietary habits as a part of the community intervention programme with a median of 7.7 years before the onset of RA symptoms. This group was then compared to 1886 controls that were taken from the same database.

As a part of the study, the researchers worked on health-screening data that included dietary habits, physical exercise, smoking and other social factors. They also collected participants' blood samples. However, the researchers did not find any link between sodium intake and the developed RA due to which they failed to confirm the hypothesis.

Sundstrom added: "Additive interaction analyses suggested that approximately half (54%) of the increased risk from smoking in the development of RA is due to interaction with sodium intake. A large influence of sodium intake on smoking as a risk factor for RA is also supported by the fact that we could not identify any significant proportion of risk from smoking in individuals with a low sodium intake."

The finding was documented in the journal Rheumatology.
